Dear Internet,
I have moments in my life where my desire to do something overtakes my rationale, and I obsess, plan, obsess, write, obsess, create templates, obsess, create systems and processes, and then obsess a little more until at the end of the process, I have my idea, systems, processes, templates, overall strategy, and execution plan meticulously mapped out (including dotted i’s and crossed t’s). Up until this point, time seemingly suspend itself and I get caught up into this state of flow where thirst and hunger have no meaning, nothing else matters, and time is of no consequence.
Today was one of those times, and even now as I write this post, a million thoughts run through my mind. I have a sense of urgency to start executing, and I feel equal parts excited, determined, and impatient (with a dash of trepidation added in for good measure).
I strongly believe that as you go through the journey of life and learn, so you must also give. And my way of giving is to share the tools and learnings that has put me in good stead, and have served me so well; my own personal playbook if you will.
The idea is simple: Release a collection of articles filled with practical advice, how-to’s, ideas and tutorials to 10x your life. These are lessons I learned the hard way–in-the-trenches so-to-speak (or write!)–and lessons that served me well in co-founding and growing WeTeachMe–a tech startup that is the go-place for Australia’s best and most popular classes, and in 2016 officially became the largest school in Australia. These include skills and tools that made 2016 the best year of my life in 4 key areas: business, family, community and personal.
Everything that I share are things that I live on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis. This is important to me because I believe that what you teach, you must also live; and so I do my best to live what I teach.
The idea
1 — Each article will be practical and will be accompanied with worksheets and templates so that what I share can be immediately actioned. It is important to me that my articles aren’t your generic “10 ways to simplify your life”, but that they are infinitely useful and that you will see the benefits of implementing the tools immediately.
2 — Each article will be grounded in a story. This is important because stories are what enable people to connect with each other, and makes the core message easier to remember.
3 — All articles come from personal experience. I only write about things I have lived, because it is important to me that what I share is authentic.
4 — My goal is to help 1,000,000 people. My wish is to have these articles shared 1,000,000 times through the various social networks. For this reason, I provide this collection online for free and all I ask of you is this: If any of these articles have helped you in any way, please take a moment to share on social media, email to someone you think will find benefit, or print and leave it on the desk of someone whom you believe has the motivation, but lacks the tools to take themselves to the next level.
5 —Â I want to hear your stories. Did you benefit from this? Leave a comment below, or on the articles themselves, or even get in touch. I can’t wait to hear from you.
6 — I’m here to help. Questions? Need something clarified? Or perhaps you’re stuck? Leave a comment below, or on the articles themselves, or even get in touch. I’ll see what I can do.
7 — Each collection will consist of 10 articles of at least 100 words. Most likely more but never less.
8 — The articles and tools will be accessible to anyone who wants to read and use it. Therefore the style of communication will be simple to understand; plain English, and downloads are for free.
9 — New articles will be released every fortnight. Don’t want to miss out on any new articles? Subscribe via email using the form at the bottom of this post and I’ll have the articles delivered straight to your inbox.
10 —Â At the conclusion of this collection, I will announce the next collection. Is there an area of life that you feel particularly stuck with? Leave a comment below and I’ll keep track of what it is people want most of.
Draft table of contents
Take a look at the 10x 100 tools shared through this site outlined in this page. Links are provided for every tool that you can always return to when the need arises.
Final words
1 — One of the reasons 2016 was the best year of my life, is because I paid attention. A lot of attention. For I believe with absolute conviction that life is your greatest teacher. And because of this, I pay a lot of attention to my own life, and the lives of others around me. I pay attention to what others say, what they do, and to the tools they use in their own lives. These tools I then modify and incorporate into my own life to help me achieve my own goals. When I do this, I am at my very best.
2 — I want to write a book. One that is outside the one I penned for online gaming phenomenon Neopets anyway. But baby steps first. So let’s start with a collection of articles focused on practical advice, how-to’s, ideas and tutorials to 10x your life.
3 — I do now know where this leads. But I believe that when one does something with good intentions, one eventually attracts the same back.
So I invite you to come along this journey with me. Subscribe via email using the form at the bottom of this post and I’ll have the articles delivered straight to your inbox. Alternatively, I can also be followed on my various social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
With Warmth,
FREE Download
Discover all my productivity secrets: (1) download the LIFE BY DESIGN Journal (FREE); and (2) join the Facebook group.
Stay in Touch With Me
- Instagram, My favourite place. Quotes, stories, and my daily life
- YouTube, Episodes from people I interview
- Facebook, Stay up to date on everything I do
- Twitter, The most direct and personal way to reach me for 1-1 conversations
- LinkedIn, My business profile
- Medium, Where I share my thoughts in detail
- Podcast, Perfect for your commute
Hi Kym, always interested in your advice. And yes I do have manic days also where my brain is full of ideas and I need to just get them down on paper. Thanks for being a sounding board to a lot of my ideas. Frosa
Thanks for the kind comment Frosa. It’s good to know that I’m not the only one that gets into these obsessive states! P.S. Happy to be a sounding board anytime.