Archives For Social Media Marketing

“Making business decisions might be scary, but it is empowering to know that when I make those choices, I stand by me and I back myself.” – Kara Breadmore

“Everything starts at the top. If you are not looking after you, as number 1, then you will never be able to operate a business the best that you possibly can. I make a conscious effort now to always make time for myself every day. I don’t nail it every day, but I am so much better now than I used to be. Going for a walk and taking 15 minutes to myself is an investment back in my business.” – Kara Breadmore

“Do more. I’m not slowing down; I’m quadrupling everything we are doing.” – Mini Latif

“There is nothing more powerful than being a single woman without a kid. You are the most powerful person in the room because that is someone who has a lot of energy.” – Mini Latif

“We have invested tens of thousands of dollars in social media and we’re dumbfounded by it. We decided not to be distracted by it.” – Mini Latif

“Social media is not what made the brand last the last 10 years. Our social media is there, we work on it, but we try not to be distracted by it.” – Mini Latif

“We are so lucky to live in a country where as woman we have a choice where we can wake up and say, “I want to start a business today,” and, “I want to own a business today.” That choice, that freedom, to make that decision is so incredibly powerful and we are so lucky.” – Kara Breadmore

“For me “making it” is freedom. The freedom in my future to know that I can go left or I can go right and there is nothing stopping me and that there are no blocks. It’s financial in a sense, I’ve got enough money, if I decide to go to Zimbabwe tomorrow, I’m going. No one can tell me otherwise. The reality is you do lose your freedom to a huge extent when you become an entrepreneur but you also gain freedom in other aspects.” – Mini Latif

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Mini Latif is the Founder of Ottoman3. In this podcast, she reveals that as a 7-year-old she thought everybody grew up to run a business. At that age, she also came up with the original concept for Ottoman3.

Kara Breadmore is the Founder of Ka’llure Jewellery. It was Jewellery that found Kara and became her passion. Kara explains how her business is not about making shiny things, but telling the stories of her clients.

About Masters Series by WeTeachMe

Masters Series is a show about inspiring entrepreneurs, creative thinkers, and visionary dreamers, and the stories behind how they built their companies.

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Masters Series is presented by WeTeachMe.

Our strategic alliance partners: MYOB, SitePoint, and Entrepreneur’s Organization.

Our media partners: Startup Victoria and Digital Marketers Australia.

Our content partners: Written & Recorded.

The views expressed by the contributors on this show are linked websites that are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher.

Question of the day

What was your favourite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.

“Make that investment in yourself. The more you level up and invest in your knowledge and mindset, the faster you can grow your company. The growth of your company is a reflection of you as a founder; of how much you know and of how much you’re learning.” – Nathan Chan

“Be consistent with your content [in one channel]. Then move on to the next [channel]. One at a time. Be relentless on mastering one channel [at a time].” – Nathan Chan

“Data comes first. When looking at your data, numbers don’t lie. Test based on your gut instinct but data at the end of the day is critical.” – Stephen Esketzis

“Digital marketing comes down to 3 things: (1) Having the right offer. It’s got to be a high converting offer that resonates with your audience. Make it an irresistible offer; (2) Target customers. Be crystal clear on are your target customers are and how you will be reaching them. Because if you have the best offer but the wrong target market, they will not respond; and (3) The messaging of your copy. If you have the right offer and the right target customer but your copy misses, then they will not take action. It will be a dead campaign.” – Stephen Esketzis

“Your network is your net-worth. If everything went to shit and you lose your business, your network is what will to stay with you. Having a strong reputation and nailing the relationships game is more powerful than anything else. Marketing platforms will change. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram might be gone tomorrow; this stuff comes and goes like the wind. The network is what’s going to stay.” – Stephen Esketzis

“At the start of every year, I say to myself, “I am going to have a good stab at these goals. I’m gonna give it a good, hard crack for the next 12 months and see what happens.” – Nathan Chan

“I remind myself, “I could be this close but if I give up now, that’s it. It is definitely over.” Keep mentally reminding yourself. You could be one campaign away in making something work. Same with business. You could be one opportunity away, or one person away, in turning your business around.” – Stephen Esketzis

With thanks to

Nathan Chan is the Founder of Foundr, the magazine that profiles entrepreneurs. Nathan started Foundr at the top by interviewing Sir Richard Branson – he then gave away that copy of the magazine to supercharge the Foundr brand. Since then he’s interviewed Arianna Huffington, Mark Cuban, Seth Godin, Tim Ferriss and he shares their insights and his own in this brand building masterclass.

Stephen Esketzis is the marketing funnel mastermind and Founder of Digital Marketers Australia. He launched his first business straight out of high school with the Meggle App which hooked people up with their nearest bar or nightclub. Building a 10,000 strong network for the app took Stephen deep into the world of digital marketing. Today he builds marketing funnels for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

About Masters Series by WeTeachMe

Masters Series is a show about inspiring entrepreneurs, creative thinkers, and visionary dreamers, and the stories behind how they built their companies.

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Show brought to you by

Masters Series is presented by WeTeachMe.

Our strategic alliance partners: MYOB, SitePoint, and Entrepreneur’s Organization.

Our media partners: Startup Victoria and Digital Marketers Australia.

Our content partners: Written & Recorded.

The views expressed by the contributors on this show are linked websites that are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher.

Question of the day

What was your favourite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.

There comes a moment in every startup when the brand develops its own personality and characteristics, separate from those of the founder. The next challenge is to build it into a powerhouse brand. In this podcast you’ll hear from a brand builder and a brand whisperer.

Nathan Chan is the Founder of Foundr, the magazine that profiles entrepreneurs. Nathan started Foundr at the top by interviewing Sir Richard Branson – he then gave away that copy of the magazine to supercharge the Foundr brand. Since then he’s interviewed Arianna Huffington, Mark Cuban, Seth Godin, Tim Ferriss and he shares their insights and his own in this brand building masterclass.

Stephen Esketzis is the marketing funnel mastermind and Founder of Digital Marketers Australia. He launched his first business straight out of high school with the Meggle App which hooked people up with their nearest bar or nightclub. Building a 10,000 strong network for the app took Stephen deep into the world of digital marketing. Today he builds marketing funnels for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

About Masters Series by WeTeachMe

Masters Series is a show about inspiring entrepreneurs, creative thinkers, and visionary dreamers, and the stories behind how they built their companies.

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Thank you to Jahzzar for the music.

Masters Series is presented by WeTeachMe.

The Masters Series podcast is produced by Written & Recorded.

The views expressed by the contributors on this podcast and linked websites are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher.

Question of the day

What was your favourite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.

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Show brought to you by

Masters Series is presented by WeTeachMe.

Our strategic alliance partners: MYOB, SitePoint and Entrepreneur’s Organization.

Our media partners: Digital Marketers Australia.

Our content partners: Written & Recorded.

The views expressed by the contributors on this show are linked websites are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher.

Question of the day

What was your favourite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.

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Show brought to you by

Masters Series is presented by WeTeachMe.

Our strategic alliance partners: MYOB, SitePoint and Entrepreneur’s Organization.

Our media partners: Digital Marketers Australia.

Our content partners: Written & Recorded.

The views expressed by the contributors on this show are linked websites are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher.

Question of the day

What was your favourite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.