
My family were refugee survivors from Vietnam; victims of a political regime that saw intelligence as a threat and one where having your say involves risks and consequences. They left their world and generations of belonging behind to start over in Australia, rebuilding their lives and family in a strange land and making it their own. The story of their escape and survival is part of the foundation of who I am.

It is a story that I rarely share, but it is one that permeates everything I do. There are two things that I find constant: (1) You can find out a lot about people by listening to them; and (2) You have to do the best with what you have.

For these reasons, my life goal is to make a lasting and positive contribution to this world by always listening, always learning and helping people reach out and touch and inspire the lives of others from all corners of the globe.

To support my life’s mission of educating, entertaining, and empowering people, I am a Founder of the education-centric startup WeTeachMe; home to Australia’s best and most popular classes. (Read more about WeTeachMe here.)

If you’d like to learn more about what I do, visit my about page. That’s me. Now it’s your turn to tell me a little about you. Look me up on Twitter and introduce yourself.

One response to Biography

  1. This is a legit personal website, I’d love to make one like this for myself. Can you let me know how you did it?